Star-Telegram: Texas oilman Tim Dunn aims to broaden GOP’s appeal with criminal justice plan

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This article originally appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

In Texas, Midland oil magnate Tim Dunn’s evangelical reboot of the GOP has limited the party’s efforts to attract a broader constituency.

In Washington, however, one of Dunn’s top goals could offer Republicans the path they desperately need to attract new supporters — through an overhaul of the criminal justice system that young and minority voters want to see changed.

Dunn’s brand of conservative politics, which includes an aggressive, evangelical social agenda, is more often aimed at GOP primary voters. He’s spent millions courting their support for an effort to boot out the party’s moderates.

Yet Dunn’s personal interest in criminal justice reform — and embrace of strategies to accomplish it more commonly championed by the political left — has effectively flipped the GOP’s view of an issue its strategists now see as a political help…

Read the full article at the Star-Telegram’s website.

(Photo: The Star-Telegram)